SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Manual for user as introduction to Cycle 2 2
Guidelines to run SERA 22
B2 Keep your faith 31
E1.2 My own spot - Rules and boundaries 45
E3 Enlightened communication - Movie Skirt day 53
E7.1 Engage in critical thinking about key concepts 67
E9.2 Getting ready for the working world 89
E10 And if I was wrong 105
E15.1 Decorating our spaces with graffiti 121
E18 What cause, What fight 139
I8 Learning about other Traditions 167
I9 Resources of each other are complementary 177
P4 Advice yourself 203
P13 Conflict cycle 213
P15 Listen to your emotion 223
P16.1 Talk to your inner child 233
P27 Fear - Friend or Foe 243
P32 In Someone Else’s Shoes 261
P34 Elsewhere the grass is greener 273
P35 Mood masks 289
P37 Clinical therapy Cycle 2 - Representation of self, family, environment and restoration of parental bond 307
P39 Let's reveal your potential 319
P41 Let's make my life easier in community 335
S9 Never Without Family Support 351
S12 Please, sorry, thank you 367
S16.2 Let us all have a party together 377
S17 Ladder competition 387
S21 Are the true forces where we believe they are 395