SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Sequence S17/Cycle 2 2 1 3 Area Social Subject Decision making Type of Activity Competitive games With crossed disciplines Conflict management Sequence Title Ladder competition ABSTRACT The names of the group members are fixed, in random order, at the rungs on a real (or painted) ladder. A lower position can challenge a higher one. The challenger chooses the activity. This could be anything (sport, agility, riddle, …) . If the challenger wins both players switch position, if the higher ranked wins the positions stay the same. The goal is to end as high as possible at the end of the game time. KEY WORDS Sports – challenging – competition Learning outcomes 1 - Be able to lose a competition 2 - Be able to find an activity that suits you 3 - Be aware of your own competence 4 - Be aware of the competence of another person Room Organization Can be outside or inside (need space)