SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Sequence E4 / Cycle 3 2 3 1 AREA Education SUBJECT Communication With crossed disciplines Activity Title Enlightened communication - Movie “The Wave” ABSTRACT This activity is based on the fact that communication and critical thinking are essential in the life to exchange, to develop thoughts and ideas, to become an enlightened citizen, ... These two notions are part of the psychosocial skills defined by W.H.O. and UNESCO in 1993. Thus to understand the importance of communication and critical thinking should allow people to make their own opinion about the radicalization phenomena and work with those who could want to enter into a process of radicalization. KEY WORDS Exchange, Communication Learning outcomes 1 - To be able to accept the group 2 - To be able to speak in front of a group 3 - To be able to exchange and change a point of view 4 - To be able to accept and respect another point of view 5 - To be able to search for information Room Organization Room with tables, seats, a whiteboard, a TV and a DVD player Type of Activities - Viewing films then debate - Let’s play a game (and exchange point of view)